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​The goal of The Alumni Fellowship is to continue to cultivate an organic love of teaching by developing and empowering BE2T alumni fellows through culturally relevant personal and professional development and targeted experiences. We aim to provide continuous support to our fellows to ensure long-term success, continue to foster a sense of community, and essentially cultivate an extensive network of Black educators.

The Alumni Fellowship Components

The 2023 Alumni Fellowship will launch in August 2023.

Personal Development

  • Monthly BE2T Cipher 

  • 2 culturally relevant fellowship learning experiences 

  • Fellowship retreat

Professional Development

  • Monthly BE2T Lab 

  • Access to exclusive networking opportunities

  • Fully funded education-focused professional development conferences

Targeted Experiences

  • Alumni fellows facilitate a minimum of 4 in-person mini-ciphers hosted at local high school partners

Interested in the Alumni Fellowship?

Are you a Brothers Empowered to Teach Alumni Fellow? If so, and you are interested in reconnecting with the us, please fill out the alumni interest form below.

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